The Marketers Club Podcast
How to Connect Your Social Media and Web Strategies - with Steve Hubbard

Social Media is one of the areas of business that consumes a lot of business owners time and attention, but it doesn't always deliver the results people are hoping for. The fact is if you want to use social media successfully to help grow your business you need a clean plan and strategy. 

In this episode my guest Steve Hubbard reveals some of the essential assets you'll need to be able to generate sales from your social media. He outlines the connection between your web and social platforms and provides a blueprint for success. 

If you want to eliminate some of the confusion and develop a plan for your success take a listen now.

#17 How to Connect Your Social Media and Web Strategies for Ultimate Success
Eliminate the confusion and lift the fog on how to generate a positive ROI for your time on social
Episode #17 Running time 41:08
Show Notes:

00:00:00:09 - 00:01:21:11
Paul: So how do you feel about your social media strategy. In fact do you have a social media strategy. The reality is many many people are dabbling in social media but they have no plan and no strategy. But they're out there and they're firing away and they're listening to various pieces of advice and they're trying to post on regular occasions and create some sort of connection. But it's all being done without any real sense of plan or purpose. I think that many people are wasting inordinate amounts of time on social media because they're doing it with no clear purpose. So I've asked my guest Steve Hubbard a social media specialist to come on and join me today to help us really navigate our way through to kind of clear up some of the fog and get clear on how we integrate our Websites and our social media to create a meaningful strategy for our businesses moving forward. So if social media is one of those things that's kind of been vexing you a little bit you've been unsure whether you should persist with it. Start with it. Continue with it then. This episode is going to help you get some clarity about exactly how to tackle your social media challenges and maximise the value of its potential on your business. But first let's cue the intro

00:01:32:23 - 00:01:48:13
Warick: Welcome to the marketers club podcast. The show all about helping you work smarter earn more and accelerate your success and now here's your host Paul McCarthy.

00:01:51:24 - 00:02:54:13
Paul: Hello and welcome to Episode 17 of the marketers club podcast I am your host Paul McCarthy and I'm here to help you market your talent so you can earn what you're worth and ultimately make more of a difference in the world. Great to have your company again for another episode and really looking forward to diving into this one on a subject matter that I think really takes up a lot of time and attention for a lot of business owners and that is the whole conversation of social media. I think that there are clearly some people that are having huge success with social media. But I think that the vast majority of people spend a lot of time a lot of energy a lot of money and resources on social media and see very little in return. So I was keen to dive into a conversation with a social media specialist to help us really kind of clear up the fog to really get some clarity about how do we attack this thing how do we make sure that we are using our time wisely. What are some of the assets that we're going to have to make sure we have in place to maximise the value of our social media.

00:03:17:06 - 00:03:19:10
Paul: Good morning Stephen welcome to the call.

00:03:19:12 - 00:03:21:19
Steve: Good. Paul thanks for the opportunity to share.

00:03:21:21 - 00:03:39:01
Paul: Great to have you on line. I appreciate you taking some time out of what I know is a busy schedule a busy time in your business I appreciate you being so generous to come on and share some of your wisdom. Now maybe before we dive in to our conversation perhaps before we dive in maybe can give us the steve hubbard story.

00:03:39:03 - 00:06:04:12
Steve: Thanks Paul. Yeah well basically I fell into marketing in many ways I have an undergrad in sport and recreation and so back in 2010 after many years in local government went back and did a master's in marketing at Monash Uni completed that in 2012 and found that someone with 15 years in local government wasn't necessarily the best person to be running the AFL's marketing department or Nike or something along those lines which most marketers go in there for. But I did find myself working initially with the Melbourne Tigers which is the the NBL team here in Melbourne and and one of the things that was always of great interest to me was sponsorship marketing and I saw a real opportunity if you like for small businesses that were supporting their local communities be they sporting teams, art, schools whatever it might well be how they could leverage that off with their their social media and so since about 2013 effectively I've been consulting largely to small business probably couple 100 now as well as had some really good case studies with various banks and a federal political party and various other so it's been a really interesting journey over the last five or six years. As I'm sure you can imagine with the various social that constantly are evolving just so your listeners when I talk social media I talk six key social media. So for me those six are your LinkedIn personal profile you're linked in company Facebook Facebook Instagram Twitter then google my business and Google owns YouTube. So they're the six that I typically think of when I'm talking social media and so effectively as I mentioned I found myself just really helping more business. There's a lot of us 2 million across Australia or more really just getting this set up correct in the first place so that they could prove their business and so yeah. Realistically it's been a great journey and I have certainly learned a lot. And I guess the best thing is I've worked with a few hundred businesses now which I would never have imagined when I went back to study marketing and you know thinking I would probably lock myself into one company or an agency type business but it's really given me an amazing exposure particularly that micro and small business donor And some of the challenges that they find when it comes to the world of social media.

00:06:04:15 - 00:06:40:17
Paul: So why don't we start there. Steve in terms of our our conversation today. You work with as you say you've worked with hundreds of businesses who are entering this space so when you first encounter a new client when you go in and you do a diagnostic on their business and you look at where they're at with their web and their social media strategy what what is the most common issues that you uncover in the in the clients that you first encounter. What do you see as being some of the errors and mistakes that they are making with their with their web slash social strategies.

00:06:40:19 - 00:09:14:06
Steve: To start with the keyword there is strategy and they're often isn't a strategy know realistically and surprisingly it's not just small business. Social media because of its newness. My sense is that unless you are under 30 in 2008 or single then really Facebook started to probably wasn't part of your life. So for most small business owners particularly the mature small business owner let's say 45 years and over. Social media has had very little impact on their success or lack of success. So it's a real new area. So some of the so it's often an afterthought I guess is probably the first things. So the first mistake is we we talk about a social media marketing slash marketing communications House and at the end of the day we you know social media is just one channel that you can use to communicate with your target audience. That said if it doesn't sit within the business strategy then overall marketing strategy then there's the old saying that good advertising good marketing communications makes a bad business fail fast. So often you need to make sure that all the other elements are in order. So realistically you need to be running a good business because otherwise you can be found out fairly quickly. If you then apply a really good social media marketing and Facebook advertising strategy. So that's the first point is that clearly social media is going to be more effective with businesses that have a plan and have a strategy around how they're going to grow and really gain competitive advantages for their business with their marketing communications. You mentioned mistakes and opportunities and marketers love talking about problems. And so the problems often that are encountered is that will initially go in and the first thing you want to do and when we do an audit the first thing we do is we put in specifically the business name right. So what we want to say is let's use. We could probably use the marketers club right. If if the business names marketers club well we put it in the marketers club and what comes up. So we want to see whether or not we're going to see a Google my business map and whether or not there's any reviews around that. Now I would suggest in the main maybe 50 percent of businesses have it. Often people need to claim their Google business because the Google car might have gone around and map them. And if they're a bricks and mortar business and and yet it still hasn't been claimed so that's that's the first thing is that actual fact.

00:09:19:20 - 00:11:28:05
Steve: The second thing is obviously what we're looking at. You'd expect that you'd see the website fairly prominent for your business name and then it's always interesting what is actually next prominent. It often surprises people. It may well be their Facebook page but often it can be their LinkedIn company and particularly when you put in your own name. Nowadays obviously if you put in Paul McCarthy a marketer then you'd hope to come up pretty high but largely you'll come up around your LinkedIn and so on. So then then we go to the website and there's all sorts of things that we look at. As far as the Web site and we can expand on those. One of the things from a social media perspective we look at social proofing. And so I often explain to people social proofing on your website is a little bit like a restaurant proofing themselves that they are. They've got customers and the right customers right. So I live in Footscray back onto West Footscray and Barkley Street Village has a fantastic line of Indian restaurants dose a corner dosa hot. And it's incredible that you can walk along that street and there will be there will be certain restaurants that will have people lining up out the door and then we other restaurants that may only have one or two people sitting on tables in them. And so realistically there's no discernable difference from the outside. Why one would be better than the other. So clearly it's just reputational and relational and so social media is a little bit like that. And so what I then do is I'll have a look at. From a social context. Is there any of the social icons represented on the site for us that should be up the top right with where you can see how your telephone and e-mail are business because realistically it's another way you could communicate with a business and look every now and again people might have a Facebook or their Instagram put on their website. Often it's very hard to get to. You might find it right down the bottom and you have to scroll to it but yeah. So realistically that's the first thing is that are your social channels identified on the Web site. There is also some plugins that you can put in there to show that you're an active social you know that Europe business that's happy to communicate and it's two way communication is now with social.

00:11:43:07 - 00:13:35:07
Steve: And then I guess the thing from that is actually looking at the socials themselves and generally speaking people often need a little bit of assistance around branding whilst their old templated. It is amazing how often you'll see people that will put a nice picture of a cover photo where the profile should be which is your logo and a picture of a printed image where your nice real image should be right. Often what works well in print to a PowerPoint doesn't work well on social media right. Social media is about real people real places but it realistically social media are all about real image real place because remembering where it's sitting it's sitting in people's newsfeeds and in newsfeeds. What are we sharing. We're sharing images and videos of our experiences with friends and family. And so as businesses if we're all of a sudden smacking in something that's pulling the graphic design over the top of it it reeks of advertising and trying to sell something and so often that's a common mistake is that people put graphics all over there their imagery in there whether it's Instagram or Facebook or which tend to be the mind too although even increasingly now on their LinkedIn inside again it just tends has. Firstly there's a knock on the algorithms but secondly it tends to repel in any case. So so the social media channel channel is really important from a setup perspective just to make sure they brand which is the profile picture and then everything else can really you know you've really got your profile image and the name of the business. Everything else can just be real imagery real time or not necessarily real time but really imagery and when I say really imagery if it has to be stock imagery so be it. But this at the same time that works a lot better than heavily graphic or what would work well on print. And as I say it just doesn't work so well in social world.

00:13:35:09 - 00:14:17:15
Paul: What I say or what I hear a lot with entrepreneurs and I think connects to the lack of strategy is that the driving reason to be involved in social media is because it seems everybody's involved in social media so it's almost like I better get on board rather than I have a clear purpose of why I'm getting on board. So in terms of just addressing this area of mindset if you like you know talking to this 45 plus entrepreneur discovering social media and it's not necessarily a natural mechanism for communication so what's the shift that we need to make mentally to go okay these are why. Strategically I need to have this as part of my business and marketing mix.

00:14:17:17 - 00:16:48:16
Steve: Yeah look and as you said our vintage so particularly that 40 something male which is a high percentage of business owner and particularly to get a business networking events here is a very high percentage of 40 plus male which is interesting because we're often attending breakfast now listening to these spectacular successes of entrepreneurial female and those entrepreneurial females often are using the social media channels as a real catalyst for their success. But getting back to your point is how do we have to change the mindset. Ultimately I think and I should point out this isn't about, people often get confused with social media and becoming a key person of influence such as yourself Paul. You know there is a lot of people that see social media as a vehicle. A bit like writing a book is that it's an opportunity to show your level of expertise and specialisation. Indeed I guess what we're doing today does that. Right but that's not the sort of social media marketing that I'm talking about I'm talking about business social media marketing where you're about educating your target audience what it is and why it is they should be considering your services and products. So as I mentioned at the start marketing communications posts across the across the various social media channels generally speaking about education. Some businesses are lucky they have a crossover into entertainment right so that you know I have a couple of clients I have a pet photography business a lady that I've just started to that has vanity mirrors I have a cottages down towards loan those sort of businesses can afford to show imagery and video that kind of people will go that's a great photo of a puppy Oh that's a fantastic view of the National Park. So they're still educating but there's no real need to sort of necessarily get a lot more information. But what often is required if you're in a professional service is that firstly you want to get that visibility and credibility by the real imagery but at the same time you want to explain and let them know where they can get more information. Yes the Reserve Bank has just lowered interest rates so that's a reasonable message to put out on your socials. But there's an element of So what. I'm not gonna put that ad on the social media if you're a mortgage broker.

00:17:00:23 - 00:19:07:12
Steve: So often what happens is is the actual marketing post whether it's an advertised poster or a promotion with post fails to sort of apply to the sort of so what test. Right so often people think that social media is just not but it may well be you know it's definitely that first opportunity that you have to advise and educate your target audience. But then there needs to be some very minor call to action that sort of says if you want to find out a little bit more on this we have you know go to this page of the web. So I go to that page will give me a call or come on in. So often people will expect and I say this a little bit right where people spend quite a lot of money on the on the content so they might spend it know whether it's a book or a video. But they kind of expect that to communicate and sell itself. Believe me people won't watch the 30 second video with no copy in the post. Right. People will watch three seconds of it if it's got subtitles. Then hopefully there's more chance that they'll actually know what you're talking about. But generally speaking we've been taught we know to read the post. Right. So if you're right then a little bit of copy here's Paul sharing on x to find out a little bit more about the marketers club. Give us a call or visit the website. And by the way here's our current offer if you've got an offer that's applicable and often that's maybe more for your advertising type messages. But yeah it's really important. I think that serious businesses take social seriously. So getting back to the 40 something man. That's often it's a little bit. Typically what do they say. I think skeptical you can work with cynical is difficult. So yeah. So the skeptics you know often when you're working and as you said they know they need to be on it. It's good to then be able to show what expectations should look like and that can be hard because there's a bit of educate you know quite often a high education to sort of say we're like well what would it mean if you've got a thousand more people looking at you communications every month. What does it mean if you've got 100 more people going through your website every month. Know and ultimately that's what we're trying to watch.

00:19:07:15 - 00:20:13:28
Paul: So let's talk about that Steve in terms of expectations and I think that this is one of the lines that cause people constellation they're unsure of the return on investment that they're going to get from their social media activity in terms of expectation whether they're doing it or they have engaged a company like yours to help them do it. What are their measures of success. What are they aiming for. Because I think that if you start with a deluded idea that they know social media is going to be and I hear it from clients all the time about you know I put up this post or I promoted this thing and I got crickets or nobody bought the ticket or whatever it is that they were trying to do. This whole idea of expectation what's what we should be aiming to to do because I think we also live in a world of people with very limited patience that people entrepreneurs particularly are very impatient. They want results yesterday. So how do you educate and manage your clients around what they should expect from their social media output.

00:20:14:00 - 00:22:11:17
Steve: I should probably preface the two most common states for small business and this is kind of noted largely in the annual yellow Social Media Report. In terms of how consumer or public use social media by comparison to how small business use social media. So the two most common would be that probably the most common given that 50 percent of small businesses simply don't use it is that there is zero or too little time and too little dollars spent. So that's that's the extreme where effectively businesses just simply aren't using it. The other extreme. So and just so you know as I said 50 percent of businesses simply aren't on it. Of those 50 percent less than 20 percent it maybe spent an advertising dollar. So often if you're in a world of talking to entrepreneurs you can start thinking that they might be more people doing it than than there actually is. But realistically those people that have done enough of it would know that the algorithm over the years has gone down from maybe let's say 40 to 50 percent of your target audience seeing your posts on a regular basis to you know nowadays in Australia and most of my clients would have 10 percent of their following seeing a post on a daily basis so the first thing is I talk about posting schedule. So for us we're posting on a daily basis for a small to medium client we're doing morning and afternoon but that's only because they have a customer base as they're trying to talk to in the main one post a day. And in Australia we're lucky if we are a professional service particularly anything beyond the 10 percent of your following and I'm talking about Facebook here which is 70 percent of the businesses you know that's realistically Sorry I should say 90 percent of businesses if they're using social they using Facebook and now that Facebook owns Instagram they're also if they're doing any advertising they effectively have the opportunity to do it both.

00:22:11:19 - 00:24:30:10
Steve: So that's the first thing is how much should you post again. People often will get constipation around posting so they won't post bugger all if you're only posting once a week of your posting once a month. Well clearly you're going to probably get better than 10 percent of your audience if you start posting more than once or twice a day you get a knock on the algorithm again. So effectively what and I've seen it with real estate businesses in fact we work with one real estate agent where effectively we were posting every second day and advertising their company which had four branches. We're posting seven or eight times a day and not advertise. Now that one sales rep came three times the size of the company within six weeks. So we moved from promoting his page to promoting his service and listings. Right. So very quickly individuals can become quite successful but more is the point. How often do you post no more than twice a day. Secondly how much should you spend which I guess is often the juxtaposition. You know what most people will ask me is the most common question How much should I spend. Again my answer is often it depends. But what we start our services off we suggest they spend no less than five dollars a day. Right. It just depends what campaign you're going to run. So the first campaign if you're starting from base camp rock bottom then really you want to promote your page in the first instance right. So you've actually got some following so that they're going to organically see some of your posts. The second thing that you may be depending on the type of business if you're a local business the local Barber or the local accountant then awareness may simply be a good way of promoting your business you get a lot of range but you won't get much engaged. And then the third campaign is around promoting an offer or you know what makes us unique. And that's the most common campaign that we do. The good thing as Facebook grows and continues to do good things you know now rather than necessarily promoting page we promote offer and then you can invite people like the offer to like the page. So that's a good thing. So again we start with we suggest no less than five dollars a day. I think I might have mentioned to you off air you know I've got a couple of clients at the moment one that has a couple of clients that make a good case study one that sells a fifteen thousand dollar perhaps once in a generation type purchase that you would buy. And the other one that sells a fifteen hundred dollar type product.

00:24:30:12 - 00:27:22:21
Steve: One had expectations spending five dollars a day it was disappointed. And that was the 15,000 dollar product was disappointed that within two months really they hadn't made the sale. Right. So and that's despite getting some fairly good insights around that was getting good reach quite good engagement and good numbers back to the website. So my suggestion to that particular person was that do you think that the call to action is strong enough on the website. Do you think that the value that you're suggesting that product has. Is that just your company's best valued product or how does it compare in the market. Do you think that you should add your phone number on the Web site to ensure that people can actually call you to speak about that 15000 dollar product. Because I think they're probably going to want a bit of reassurance right. So often it's not the social media that's the issue but the expectation becomes. Well I'm spending 15 to 20 dollars a day on on management and advertising. Why aren't I selling any products yet. So the second one is at the other end of the spectrum. And in fact I turn this spend down from random it's 70 to 80 dollars a day down to about 40 to 50 dollars. But I just sharpened the audience. I mean effectively they're reaching last month over 800,000 people. Right. And the flares to the Web site are over 60 thousand. They're moving towards a million dollar to another year business. It's kind of interesting. So again it's just you know they're spending 10 times but the result is well in finite building more right in terms of because that expectation is a real expectation for them sure their product might be a far easier transaction. You know being a fifteen hundred dollar product by comparison to a fifteen thousand dollar product but at the end of the day they are right to have expectation that says if I spend 50 dollars a day then I'm wanting to turn over a higher level of product I want this this can't not work. So ultimately the main thing to consider is how often are you posting to post consistently. I suggest at least once a day at minimum at least once every second day. And it's important to advertise ultimately the end of I because in Facebook algorithm nowadays if you're expecting to just post and not promote then realistically you'll be okay in terms of educating and perhaps retaining your existing audience but you're unlikely to attract any new audience that day to day posting is great for retention but you really need to move into Facebook advertising which includes Instagram which is so advanced nowadays in terms of tagging products and particularly if you've got e-commerce talk web sites you've got a whole new audience that you can attract and and move whatever opportunity it is that you're afforded.

00:27:22:24 - 00:28:42:03
Paul: Thanks to that great answer and very insightful in terms of where we should be spending our energy and getting some sense of budgets around. It strikes me that in terms of the measurement of success I remember when I owned a call centre I was educating telemarketers back 100 years ago that we would never think about call as the whole call we would break it down into its beats into moments. There were elements of it that they may be good at. One section might be great getting the conversation started keeping the person on the line getting into some sort of discussion or survey that might be great at transitioning to the offer they might be great at making the sale or that might be great at capturing the referral opportunity out of it whatever it was but they might have a weak spot. So we tried to always look at it in its elements rather than than as in its totality and I think that what you're suggesting to us is that we need to be thinking a little bit like that in terms of our social media activity that sometimes maybe it's working in terms of getting the reach it's getting the exposure it might be getting people to the website but then it might be falling down. So the social media might be doing its role very well but the end sale not being there for a whole range of other reasons. So we do need to be mindful by the sound of it out there.

00:28:48:04 - 00:30:28:00
Steve: For me the website really is integral particularly for your startup type businesses. I'll often sit down with people and sort of say look we can't work together at this stage but here's a couple of people that you might want to speak to about getting that website with the content and the sort of information that helps educate and promote your business so that I've got something to work with. We ask that our clients think Web site first if they're getting the video done then put the video on the website. If they're writing a blog then write the blog long form on the website and then clearly you have your various services and about us and those sorts of pages. And so it's really important for us that the the website is the content House and certainly it makes our job a whole lot easier and is the reason that we are able to provide the service that we do at the cost that we charge because we anticipate that the content will be available from the website and we take the website to the people to get them back to the website and or the fine or the front door. If that's the case and all that email and I guess probably that's also to your point. Social media works a whole lot better when there's you know when there's already flyer distribution going on or what is it you know you've got an email marketing or you're doing SEO where you might be running radio ads your end of the day. You know when I went and studied marketing we talked about integrated marketing communications and it's like a fruit salad and as it turns out social media is like a strawberry it's a it can't be the everything of the fruit salad and it certainly it's nice and juicy by itself. But at the end of the day if it's complemented by others it often works a lot better.

00:30:28:02 - 00:31:40:25
Paul: We've covered some great ground. I think one of the other areas I wanted to explore with you you mentioned the six key platforms that you focus on. But I do think that platform selection is an area that people do get bamboozled by and probably the most common phrase that gets thrown around is be where your audience is you know that your choice of of which channel is the right channel for you to put energy in is based on where your audience hangs out. So what's your philosophy in relation to clients coming into your world when you're helping them to build a strategy and communicate. You've just talked about the repurposing of content which is great that way we're not just producing content it's one of the philosophies we have in the market as club is you don't create anything once that you can't repurpose and use again. So we need things that are going to increase their their shelf life a little I think they've become a little ephemeral that they may last for such a short period of time a post that we need to be able to repurpose so when it comes to LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Google YouTube. How do you approach it with a client in terms of their content creation and their channel selection.

00:31:40:27 - 00:34:25:10
Steve: I think of it a little bit differently. So who asked. I agree you need to be where your target audience is. I suggest the six key social media purely on the basis as they are an asset. So increasingly we're moving to transient workplaces mobile businesses flexible working hours all that sort of stuff and so ultimately online and the online office becomes really important. So I consider the six social channels as being assets and that is a brand asset at the end of the day you want to make sure that you are in your marketers club name and your marketers club your are and your market is club. Social media user name across all the channels. So again I want to make sure that market as club has a strong presence on on LinkedIn as a as a brand that you know that not just you potentially. It's how people can show that they're have a relationship with the marketers club. Having Google my business because people want to be able to search it. Having YouTube channel because you know you're going to put up various channels and you might as well put it on brand and make sure that it's complete. As far as information and that sort of stuff goes clearly. As I've mentioned Facebook and Instagram are the two key ones that in the main it is just Steve talking at the end of the day. This is what Telstra and what surveys tell us is that people are on Facebook and on their news feed on it if not daily regular basis and they're all on it. So realistically way you post through and what you own is slightly different. So I've mentioned Twitter as well so. So the six channels in terms of creating them I believe are all important and the only one that I would suggest that you say with Twitter at the end of the day is another great tool for placing you both geographically and industry. So it may as you might as well own it. Twitter has a whole different algorithm so everything goes through the through to the keeper. It's always also shows are about news for you getting into News Feed and so particularly the old boys. They confuse that right so often the education is if you understand how a newspaper works will you effectively understand how social media works. It's about getting into people's newsfeeds. It's not about creating a substitute website. And if anybody goes to the insights page of their Facebook site your Facebook page and you look at insights you will generally see that there is not too many people visiting your Facebook page hopefully you also see that there's plenty of people that are seeing your posts in their news feed and engaging with them.

00:34:33:08 - 00:35:53:02
Steve: I think to your point we post on it on a daily or every second day to Facebook Instagram and the LinkedIn company as far as Google is concerned. We make sure that we're uploading posts and images at least on a monthly basis. Just because it's Google. Right. And and as far as Twitter we just make sure that integrates there's a good little tool a good little hack that's called If This Then That and you can make it that when you post to Instagram then then that goes from Instagram to Twitter or you can send it all sorts of ways with different things. But that's a good little way if people are using a scheduling tool or we use we use Hootsuite to schedule our posts. And you're only wanting to use three of the channels which is actually where it cuts out for free use then a tool like If This Then That is a good little one. As far as getting it to post elsewhere but to your point yes your audience is probably more likely to be on one channel or the other but that channel is probably Facebook because in the main you know I do speak to a lot of business to business as I well LinkedIn. The only issue with LinkedIn is you know compared to 17 million Australians on it there's only 5 million Australians and of those 5 million how often they're checking the newsfeed. I reckon only 10 to 20 percent would be checking their newspaper.

00:36:07:07 - 00:36:30:21
Paul: Thinking about any other elements of this journey for small business owners looking at their web their Social their strategy how to combine them better. I guess questions that I haven't asked you to that I should have asked you that would help listeners to this to understand how to be more effective with their time and with these assets.

00:36:30:23 - 00:37:04:05
Steve: I think as we speak I'm making sure that I have in front of me my info graphic guides. I was just a one pager Paul so realistically more or less the journey that we've talked about is in many ways summarised a one page that I'm more than happy to share with you and if you want to share that with anybody that's interested. That's sort of just as a little a little flowchart that we look at as far as social media marketing. Clearly we provide that with people when we're doing audits and that sort of stuff but happy to share that with the marketers club if that's of interest.

00:37:04:22 - 00:38:18:17
Paul: Yeah that would be great. We make sure that that's made available so that everybody can get their hands on that infographics. That would be a great asset for them to have so it's been a great conversation and I think brought a lot of clarity to the whole thing and I think that that's really where it starts. I think that one of the challenges here is that many entrepreneurs are dabbling in spaces and therefore not fully invested in the strategy and therefore get very limited results or evidence of benefit from it because they're not properly invested into the strategy so I think it's a kind of only know all that kind of conversation from that from the sound of it and certainly being able to do it but of course if people find themselves they understand the mechanics of it now they understand what's required but they themselves don't want to execute that or they would like to have a company like yours helping them to do that. What's the best way for people to reach out to you Steve learn more about the services that you offer in terms of helping people to get better results with their web and social media connections.

00:38:18:19 - 00:38:40:17
Steve: Happy to connect with people on LinkedIn. Steve Hubbard DIFY social D I F Y that's do it for you social website also happy to receive direct messages. We take appointments from the Facebook page get messages via the via the website so yeah more than happy to start a conversation with any of the listeners. There today provide whatever assistance I can.

00:38:40:19 - 00:38:55:28
Paul: Thank you Steve. I appreciate that and thank you so much for making the time. It's been a pleasure talking to you and certainly made lots of notes for things for me to go back and check out for the markets club. So I've learnt a lot from the conversation as well. I appreciate you making the time.

00:38:56:00 - 00:38:57:09
Steve: Awesome Paul. Thank you for having me on.

00:38:57:15 - 00:40:51:20
Paul: So I hope you enjoyed that conversation with Steve Hubbard. Clearly social media is something to pay careful attention to to think about where your pricing your energy and what strategy you're using to maximize your time and efficiencies on these channels. Steve's a big fan and he teaches people how to use social media effectively. You don't have the time the space to do it. Then I'd really encourage you to think about reaching out someone like Steve who can get it done for you and help manage that process and give you some clear guidelines in terms of where you should be promoting how much you should be spending these sorts of things so that you're not anymore just sort of navigating with a blindfold on trying to spin around and figure it all out on your own. Clearly your website is the major hub and we've got to make sure that we've got great content and copy there because at the end of the day the game is about driving people back to a website getting them onto your list building and nurturing deeper relationships that you can I'm not simply throwing up comedy parts of you know kittens stuck in trees or whatever it may be. So we've got to get really clear on what we're doing why we're doing it. If we want to maximise the value of our time spent on social media. Thank you for joining me for this episode and thank you to everybody who has been listening subscribing commenting. Of course if you're enjoying the show please share it with other people in your world. We're here to help and serve as many business owners as we can and making life just that little bit easier for you. So if that's uh if you're enjoying the show please share it with people in your world. We look forward to welcoming them to the podcast and helping them to keep growing their businesses as well. So I look forward to joining you again next week with another episode of the marketers club podcast. So until then I wish you all the very very best of luck with your business. But much more importantly with your lives. Take care. Bye for now.

To learn more about Steve Hubbard you can visit his website 
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